Tackling child labour

@Tdh/ Laurent Crottet
@Tdh/ Laurent Crottet

Indicators reference sheet

Indicator 1.1 (EN) (FR): Number of children, family and community members that understand the risks of labour, their rights and development opportunities through multi-disciplinary and integrated preventive activities.

Indicator 1.2 (EN) (FR) : Number of children and youth identified as victims of labour exploitation for whom situation [at work] has improved or who have been withdrawn from worst form of labour by accessing social, protection services and mechanisms provided by Tdh by the end of the project [or service cycle].

Indicator 1.3 (EN) (FR) : Percentage of children [separated or unaccompanied] who have been identified [through Tdh interventions] as being child labourers who are reintegrated into their family and/or community of origin, or through alternative care.

Indicator 2.1 (EN) (FR) : Level of implementation by Tdh teams of Tdh Private Sector Engagement Toolkit in the context of the new intervention strategy to reduce child labour in value chains. 

Indicator 2.2 (EN) (FR) : Level of mobilization of private and academic organizations involved in the thematic of child labour, in the workshops and other coordination events organized by or with Tdh. 

Indicator 2.3 (EN) (FR) : Number of MoU with companies that reflects their commitment and specifies Tdh's role, the services that Tdh can provide at each stage of the value chain, and the partnership terms. 

Indicator 3.1 (EN) (FR) : Level of integration of working children needs and demands in Tdh advocacy activities (internationally, to ILO, decision-makers, unions and civil society). 

Indicator 3.2 (EN) (FR) : Number of media articles that have communicated in a relevant way opinions and needs of working children, in Switzerland, Europe and in specific contexts. 

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